Easy SDK Validation Now Available!

Michael Z
Cloud Middleman
Published in
2 min readAug 23, 2017


By now, most mobile developers are familiar with the often cited statistic that the average mobile app relies on approximately 17 different SDKs. Many of these are third party vendor SDKs that perform mission critical business functions like analytics, attribution, marketing automation, ad serving, backend, etc. As developers we’re also keenly aware of the pain associated with ensuring all of our SDKs are integrated properly, talking to their respective services, and sending the right data back and forth. We’ve felt this pain for a while so we decided to do something about it…

Introducing SDK validation in Cloud Middleman! Now when you connect a mobile device to Cloud Middleman, you’ll not only be able to inspect its raw http(s) traffic, but you’ll notice a new SDK tab in the dashboard that shows you all of the actions performed by the third party vendor SDKs:

SDK Tab Cloud Middleman

Pretty neat! The Cloud Middleman team spent many hours parsing and mapping different actions for the most popular SDKs so that we could give you a comprehensive view. Let’s say you’ve integrated Branch’s SDK for deep linking and you’re testing out the service. Now you can quickly navigate to the SDK tab inside Cloud Middleman to ensure the Branch SDK actions / events are the ones you expect. One quick view of all your vendor SDK integrations.

SDK Tab / Branch SDK

In the coming months we’ll be adding many more of the most popular SDKs for iOS and Android. For now, the SDK tab allows you to validate your integrations at a quick glance and our goal is to build out additional validation / testing features to help ensure you always release bug free builds into the wild.

